If you are having issues scanning a driver’s license using the ImageMover application, here are a few tips that may help.
Internet: Ensure you have a strong internet connection. This is required for our application to work smoothly and effectively as it communicates with our secure servers.
Lighting: A well lit environment is required for the camera to see the license clearly. Make sure the license is also free of shadows or glare from the lights in the room.
Barcode: You should be scanning the complex barcode that contains the most information. On most United States drivers licenses, this is the larger barcode. It may resemble a QR Code, as complex barcodes are often pixelated.
Distance: Don't hold the license too close. It should be about 6 inches away from the back of the camera.
If you are still unable to scan the barcode on a license, you can enter patient demographics manually or call our support center for assistance.
When appropriate, your patients may also be able to use ImageMover’s secure web workflow to fill in all of their demographic information. Contact ImageMover to see if this is an option for your patients.