woman pharmacist with glasses talking to an older gentleman.

Care Gap Closure Programs

Access to Difficult-to-Reach Members When at the Pharmacy

Better for patients. Better for Payors.

Increase Your Star Metrics

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Save Money at a Lower-Cost Care Setting

The pandemic has fundamentally changed where consumers get healthcare.

Patients have shifted away from hospitals and doctors’ offices to non-traditional settings like pharmacies. Consider that over 90% of the population lives within five miles of a pharmacy and about 25% of Americans don’t have a primary-care provider.

Taken together, this puts pharmacists in the unique position to close care gaps. Pharmacists are typically the most trusted, accessible and frequently visited provider in a patient’s care journey.

With Workflow Services, payors can leverage the pharmacist’s unique role as a community healthcare provider to access difficult-to-reach members, deliver better outcomes and save money.

Types of Programs

Urgent Care

Preventative Care

Chronic Care

Health Equity

Expanding Colorectal Cancer Screening Access at Pharmacies

Workflow Services’ fully funded nationwide program that expands patient access and reimburses pharmacies for closing these care gaps. 

The Leading Platform for Delivering Clinical Services in Pharmacy

Our award-winning technology follows robust quality standards as reflected by our ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certifications

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