How Workflow Services is Transforming Pharmacies into Healthcare Destinations
In 2024, Workflow Services helped pharmacies evolve into healthcare destinations, offering a seamless platform for pharmacist-led clinical services and revenue generation.
Streamlined Processes
Our platform makes life easier for pharmacists by automating tasks like claim submissions.
0 minutes spent researching CPT codes.
0.000000001 seconds for the platform to autogenerate claims.
Growth For Pharmacies
Workflow Services is driving pharmacy revenue and growth.
52% increase in vaccine revenue.
$600 new average monthly revenue per store from care-gap closures.
100% remittance rate for in-network claims.
Closing Care Caps
We're helping pharmacists close care gaps, ensuring patients get the care they need.
98% of patients accessed preventative care at no cost.
100% of pharmacists closed care gaps unrelated to medications.
92% of pharmacists provided educational benefits to patients.
Standing Up To Cancer
Our platform is helping pharmacies offer cancer screenings, aiding early detection.
17% of patients who received a cancer screening tested positive, helping identify early health risks.
Read more about our pharmacy solutions.