How Workflow Services Supports Vaccine Delivery and Reimbursement for Care at the Pharmacy

Kevin Houlilhan on How the Pandemic Highlighted Pharmacists' Role in Vaccine Delivery and How Workflow Services Streamlines Compensation

Watch the video or read the transcript below to hear Houlilhan outline how Workflow Services is helping pharmacies navigate the industry's evolution to ensure pharmacists are compensated as the providers they are.


The Role of Pharmacists in Vaccine Delivery During the Pandemic


In terms of delivering Clinical Services in a pharmacy, one of the biggest impacts that the pandemic had was proving out that pharmacists play a key role in delivering vaccines to the citizens, the U.S. Today, they're still delivering more than half of the vaccines in the country.

Pharmacists as Key Providers in Public Health


One of the things that our platform does is help recognize them as the provider that's practicing at the scope of that license and allows them to get paid for the time that they're spending with their customers and with the patients to deliver vaccines. We would not have the broad access to vaccines that we do today without the role that the pharmacist plays in the community.

How Our Platform Supports Pharmacists as Healthcare Providers


We help streamline that process for them, manage the data, and recognize the time that they're spending with their customers to get paid as the provider that they are.

Read more about our pharmacy solutions.


Workflow Services Releases Data Showing 52% Increase in Pharmacy Vaccine Revenue 


Conversations with Customers: Amber Suthers, CPHT, MSAH