Administering a Test
Log in to the mobile application.
Click “Administer Test”
Search for your test subject. There are three ways to search for a test subject:
Last name / DOB
Scanning a passport
Scanning the back of a drivers license or the QR code provided to the test subject upon completing pre-registration.
If they are not found in the system the application will prompt you to enter their demographics. You can also do this by clicking on “Add new test subject”. (Phone number, race and ethnicity are required for reporting purposes in the United States.)
Tap “Create New Test Subject” when information has been entered.
Tap the checkbox to verify that the test subject consents to the test.
Select the test kit that you will be using.
Scan the barcode on test kit box to pull in the lot number and expiration date.
Next you will be given the option to scan a barcode that you are able to associate with the individual and their test if you are doing batch testing. If you are only doing one test at a time you can ignore this step.
This page also gives the option to opt-in the test subject to receive their result by SMS or email.
You can now click “Next” to enter in the test result, or click “Save and Enter Result Later” to enter the result at a later time.
If you choose to enter the result at a later time, the information will save and the workflow will close.
To enter this test result you’ll go to “Enter Completed Test Result”.
You can search for the test subject by any of the methods previously mentioned.
When entering the result you have the option to take a picture of the test result as an added layer of certainty.
Click “Next”, verify that all of the information displayed is correct.
Click “Save and Exit Session”.
At this time all of the information has been submitted to the ImageMover database, reported to health departments, and the test subject should receive their result by email or SMS if they opted-in.
The workflow will automatically reset and allow you to start a new test.